dinsdag 22 februari 2011

"Boe!", zegt de koe.

In class we've have watched Food Inc. This movie, about the food industry in America, wants us to look at our dinner in a different way. I want to know how you feel after watching this movie. Does it have any impact or not?

Give your opinion in the comments section below. 
- Answer in proper English sentences.
- Make sure your comments are appropriate and respectful.
- Also read other people's comments and answer to each other. 
- Refer to the film when possible. 
- Make two comments at least. 

The debate is open!

23 opmerkingen:

  1. Excuse me for interfering. I'm not in the fifth grade but can't restrain myself from commenting on this movie. It made me almost a vegetarian! I became a real one after reading 'Eating Animals' by Jonathan Safran Foer. Everyone should read this nonfiction report on the American meat industry. The problem is though: my body needed meat. After a year I became really ill. So now I eat meat on an almost daily basis. Everyone making silly remarks about me having been a vegetarian, I recommend watching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBgaRD0fzzk

    This is your worst nightmare. Does it happen in Europe as well?

  2. I couldn’t believe the images that we saw. We just don’t know what we eat and how our food is produced. When one cow is sick, there are thousands of meals infected. When you eat a hamburger, it’s meat of hundred cows and not just od one. In ‘Food, Inc’ there is a mother whose child is dead by eating a hamburger with a meat bacteria. Just by eating a hamburger! The small people who works for the big companies, didn’t may work at the documentary. It gives you immediately a sign that the companies do bad things. Mac Donalds is maybe one of the first things that you need to stop. They own 80 % of the food industry! It’s unbelievable. They decide about the quality of our food. Everyone know that they make fast food. They say that the chickens are food. And you can see this at the way how they care of them. But at the first place, chickens are just animals, just like we. You need to care of them at a natural way. Than your chicken will be much tastier. Mac Donalds is very popular with the poor people, because it costs not much. A research of a university in Colombia showed that poor people smoke more, eat fatter, and are more obese than rich people. I think that they need to try to arise the prices of fast food and to sink the prices of fruit and vegetables. It’s also very important that the government work at it. Because when everybody can eat healthy, there will be less obesity and the people will be more healthy.

  3. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  4. Hmm I am getting more hungrier. When I was watching Food Inc I didn’t feel pity for those animals that I’ve been eating. We have to accept the truth that animals get killed for our food. It doesn’t matters how they get killed, point is they get killed. In fact we have to thank the big companies for fabricating the cheap food. We are completely dependent on the fact that they make our food. If they stop fabricating the food, we will have to deal with the wave of famine. Everybody can make mistakes, so we can’t sue them for their mistakes. But in my opinion they have to pay the price of their mistakes and request them to improve it. It has no sense going against the companies because they have got a army of best lawyers and political people behind them. It would be waste of money and time. The people are complaining about the food of mass production that it is not good, unhealthy… but we have got many choices to choose from. If the people don’t want the cheap food they can go buy the better one(organic food). So they have no reason to complain.

  5. I was shocked when we saw the movie. I couldn’t believe that the Mc Donalds owns 80% of the meat that we eat. There are also only 13 slaughterhouses that produce our meat. If one of them have some problems with the meat. For example there are some bacteria in the meat, than millions of people our going to eat that meat. I think that they don’t treat the animals well. They give them some corn to get bigger, and that we people get more meat. It’s also easier for poor people to get some hamburgers from the Mc Donalds instead of eating a healthy meal because vegetables are too expensive. That is also why poor people have more problems with their weight then people who are rich.

  6. hey,

    this video is disgusting! But at the same time, this video is also amazing.
    You'll be wondering why I say this video is amazing, aren't you? I will tell you, this video shows the people what they are eating and what they are doing to these animals. I bet there are a lot of people who first watched this video and don't eat any more meat now. That's already a good start. After watching this video, the people will also look better after their animals. They will buy their meat more often at the butcher's. Because there it's not processed like you've seen in this movie. Furthermore, the animals you see at the butcher's aren't abused like in those big meat factories.
    I think I will look at a different way to my meat now I saw this. It's really unbelievable what they do to animals, how can people be so rude?
    This video lets me reflect about the life I have and all the other people. Imagine that you are a chicken or a cow in those big factories.
    Would you love it to suffer a life like that?
    I think that we sometimes say that we hate life because of one or some unpleasantries in our life.
    But these animals are suffering every day from their life.
    It's time to do something about it!
    This can't last for more, it has to stop right now!
    But on the other side, then we have a problem with our meat. We can't command all the people to become a vegetarian. Maybe one day we'll have a solution for this disusting problem, let's hope the solution will come as soon as possible.

    Robin Devos

  7. Jentro, you removed your reaction. Could you post it again?

  8. I really feel sorry for the mother of the deceased boy. And that she can’t accuse the multinationals. Because they are too powerful. The multinationals have too many connections with the government! And the government does nothing about the abuses of the multinationals. Because they are friends with the companies. It’s also not normal that the meat industry is divided between 4 big meat companies. Than it’s normal that their products become worse. They don’t have to care about the hygiene of … . Because the people can only buy their products( there are no other companies.) A product become better when there is competition. When you have a better product, You have more customers. So there arises a rivalry to become the best product.
    So I think that we have to break the connections with the government. And that they have to make more stricter rules for the meat industry and other industries. And yes, the price of fruits and vegetables have to reduce. That’s always good!
    I also disagree some solutions that they give at the end of the film. They say that you have to read every label of a product that you buy. Or that you have to construct a fruit/vegetable garden. But I don’t see everybody read the labels. Because than you can buy more healthier food. And when everybody has a fruit/vegetable garden. Farmers have less demand for their products. So they have less money. And that will lead to a next problem.

  9. @ Amrit

    I will not say that your opinion is totally wrong and mine is the only correct one.
    It is true that we can't do anything because they have us in their power. They probably have all the best lawyers and so. But still, if we don't do anything about it, the animals will suffer and as you could see in the video the animals are changing. Like this chickens who are too heavy to lift their own weight. This will change the next generations of animals.
    I don't understand why people are doing this, you say that their will be famine if we do it the "natural" way. But that's not totally true! We can eat more vegetables if we want, we won't die for that. Another problem that would be reduced is obesity. People with obesity are eating too much meat and too little vegetables. So it wouldn't be so bad to slaughter animals on a natural way and to let the animals live a life that they deserve.
    Also I want to say that it's right that the meat is cheap this way. But, I'm prepared to pay more for my meat when I know that it's safe and I don't want to end up like that child that died because of the bad meat! This was really a shock for me because I never realised that it could be so dangerous to eat some meat. Now I always think twice before I eat some meat. I'm always afraid that I will end up like that child.

    So I think that there is one really good solution: EAT LESS MEAT AND EAT MORE VEGETABLES!!!!

    Robin Devos 5MTTS

  10. @ amrit
    I agree with you Amrit. Everyone is always saying that the meat is not good. But a week ago they made in the Ikea a beef with french fries for only 2,5 euros. Isn't it normal that this sort of meat isn't good. People want always the cheapest solution to get their food. But if you want to have meat of good kwalities you need to pay for it. And if you want to do something about this companies, how are you gonna do this. Imagine we wouldn't have these companies to make us food who would give us that much meat in the same time that they can give us? In the world we are with more than 6 billion people. There is just no other way to make owr food in such a short time.

  11. @robin
    I don't agree fully agree with you robin. Eating more vegetables is maybe a little solution but than you will have other problems like when you have a bad season and a part of the vegetables are wasted or eaten by the insects. How do you gonna solve this problem?

  12. @Robin
    I understand your opinion, but how will you convince the world to stop eating this beef. Everyone goes to the McDonalds, I also did it yesterday. And do you know why? Because it's cheap and we all love it.
    I know that the meat of the McDonalds and all those other fastfood shops aren't good. I think that we aren't able to solve this problem and that we'll have to live with it.

  13. I can't understand that people become vegetarian by seeing this video?! Okay it's disgusting what they do with those animals. But why don't you buy your food at the butcher's or at a farmer? Then you know that your food is from an animal that's treated well.

  14. @ Jèrre
    I understand that some people become vegetarian after seeing this movie, because it’s really disgusting what they do with our food. Mostly, you just don’t know where our food comes from. Okay it’s true that you can go to a farm, but when you live in the city, it’s difficult to find a good farmer and you need to trust him. And when you go to a butcher, the meat can also come from the USA where they do abnormal things with the cows, etc. I will not be vegetarian, but when I would go for example to Mac Donalds, I will surely first think about it.

  15. @ Amrit
    It’s true that it will very difficult to stop the big companies. But you need to try it, otherwise it will never stop. I can’t understand that you didn’t feel pity for those animals. It’s true that the strongest survives in the nature, but is it therefore always the best option? What if you were a cow and would lives in these circumstances? You would hate it, you would hate the people that treat you like that!

  16. @amrit

    I don't agree with you amrit. You think that it's normal that animals are treated badly? You don't feel sorry for those animals? It seems that it's normal for you that those animals get killed in such a cruel way! We need to solve this problem.

  17. @Vos
    You are thinking that people get killed regularly by eating fast-food. But the chance that you get killed is one on the million. I am not saying that you must buy cheap food. The choice is yours. The fast-food company is helping poor people. As you could see the people who couldn't pay for a decent meal were eat fast-food for survival. They just don't have enough money to buy the vegetables which is way above their expenditure margin. The population is growing up so fast that there is a chance of famine without the mass production. It is also a fact that animals develop positively that they can survive (ex: the chickens may get strong legs to carry the weight).
    Anyhow thanks for your comment.

  18. @Stijn
    Thanks for the reaction.
    I totally agree with you. Other people want to be extraordinary by saying that it's disgusting but mean while they are still eating meat. Why don’t the others understand that they have the choice what they eat if they can pay it?

  19. @Antonia
    I know how you are feeling but it's just the fact. If you want to fight the big companies it's almost impossible. You will get poor by fighting them and at the end you will end up eating fast food because of the money.
    You can't change us with the people. I know it is violent to the animals but it's in nature that they get killed. You can't tiger from eating and killing other animals. It would also hurt those animals.

  20. @Naim
    I know that it's cruel but you can't change the thing so why feel pity. it is not changing my life nor yours. there are lots of other problems to solve then saving animals who are ment to be killed. i would rather go save the people who are starving or dying in the war then thinking about the animals.

  21. @ stijn
    It is true what Stijn says. People always choose the cheapest and easiest way. We saw in the movie that people bought no vegetables because they were too expensive. And for the same money could buy two or three burgers. If we are going to slaughter the animals on the 'natural' way. The meat may be more expensive. But it still remains the easiest way! The people are sometimes too lazy to cook for themselves, this is reflected mainly in America. People prefer to McDonald's or another cheep food restaurant. Are people not become too greedy and lazy?
